Duplin County NC

County News

The Duplin County Tax Office bills and collects taxes for the following towns:

Calypso, Greenevers, Kenansville, Magnolia (started in 2021), Rose Hill (started in 2021), Wallace (started in 2021), and Warsaw.

Office of the
Anita Marie Savage, Register of Deeds
Post Office Box 970; 118 Duplin Street, Kenansville, NC 28349
Telephone: (910) 296-2108 Fax: (910) 296-2344

The Duplin County Register of Deeds Office now offers a new system to help citizens better combat fraudulent activity.  The Fraud Detection Notification service will alert citizens when documents are recorded in the office matching their names.

Citizens can sign up for this free monitoring service in just moments with ease. The applicant provides their name, email address, and up to five names they wish to monitor for document filings. Once registration is complete, the system will send alerts via email when any documents, such as powers of attorney or deeds, are filed with the Register of Deeds Office. To register for this free service, visit www.duplinrod.com, and click on “Fraud Detection Alert System.”

For more information about the Fraud Detection Notification Alert System, contact Anita Marie Savage at (910) 296-2108.

Duplin County is now accepting applications for a Representative to the Eastern Carolina Human Services Agency.

(Read More…..)

Click the link below to access the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services COVID19 Dashboard


The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services announced that beginning on Monday, January 4, 2021 residents of North Carolina can apply on line for help with energy costs.

Click Here for More Details

Duplin County Health Department and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) are launching new initiatives to expand COVID-19 testing and contact tracing across the state and help Duplin County families protect themselves and their neighbors. Testing and tracing are core public health measures and key components of North Carolina’s strategy to responsibly ease restrictions while continuing to slow the spread of the virus.

People in Duplin County can now access new online tools to determine if they should consider being tested for COVID-19 and find a nearby testing place. The tool will also help individuals monitor their symptoms if they have tested positive for or been exposed to COVID-19. In addition, NCDHHS launched a new platform to integrate contact tracing efforts across the state. Duplin County Health Department will transition over the next several weeks to use this specific software program for ongoing contact tracing work.

“There are a number of testing sites located within Duplin County so if you feel that you should be tested, then call your primary care provider or visit the new online tool to identify a local testing site,” said Tracey Simmons-Kornegay, Duplin County Health Director.

“These new COVID-19 testing tools and resources help North Carolinians have the support and information they need to take care of themselves and their loved ones,” said NCDHHS Secretary Mandy Cohen, M.D. “When more people get tested, and we all work alongside the COVID-19 Community Team to do our part with contact tracing, we can protect our loved ones and slow the spread of the virus.”

New Online Tools to Increase Access to Testing
Having more than tripled the amount of testing completed just a month ago, North Carolina continues to ramp up testing. The new online tools are intended to help people know if they may need a test, how to get a test, and monitor their own symptoms if advised to do so by a contact tracer. These tools include:

     Check My Symptoms (www.ncdhhs.gov/symptoms), a public website that allows people to enter their symptoms to determine if they should      consider getting tested for COVID-19. If a test is recommended, they will receive a link to a list of nearby testing sites via email or text.

     Find My Testing Place (www.ncdhhs.gov/TestingPlace), a public website that allows people to enter their county or ZIP code and access a list of nearby testing site locations online.

     COVID-19 Community Team Outreach (CCTO) Tool, a password-protected online software that helps people track their own symptoms if they have been advised to do so by the COVID-19 Community Team. It is also a platform that helps streamline and integrate contact tracing work across the state.

Expanded Contact Tracing Through The COVID-19 Community Team
Through contact tracing, the COVID-19 Community Team reaches out to people who may have recently come into close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19 and connects them with the information and support needed to protect themselves and their loved ones.
It is important that people answer the call when the Community Team reaches out. Individuals being
contacted will get an initial text from the number 45394 or email from NC-ARIAS-NoReply@dhhs.nc.gov
with follow-up phone calls from Duplin County Health Department at 910-296-2130 or from NC
OUTREACH (844-628-7223). The Community Team will never ask for anyone’s Social Security Number,
bank or credit card numbers, or any other financial information at any time. Any information shared
during the call is a private health record and is strictly confidential.

Continued Prevention Measures
All North Carolinians should continue practicing their 3 Ws when they leave home: Wear. Wait. Wash.
      Wear a cloth face covering if you will be with other people.
      Wait 6 feet apart. Avoid close contact.
      Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer.

“If we all do our part, we can protect our family and neighbors and get back to enjoying things
like family gatherings, pastimes, and community events outside of our homes,” said NCDHHS Secretary
Mandy Cohen, M.D. “By working together, we will slow the spread of this virus.”
For more information on testing and contact tracing, please call Duplin County Health Department at
910-296-2130 ext 8160.

NCDHHS has provided the following:
      Frequently Asked Questions about Testing (covid19.ncdhhs.gov/Testing)
     Frequently Asked Questions about Contact Tracing (covid19.ncdhhs.gov/ContactTracing)
     Latest information on COVID-19, visit nc.gov/covid19

For more data and information about North Carolina’s testing strategy, visit the COVID-19 North
Carolina Dashboard: https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/dashboard.

For anyone needing assistance from the Register of Deeds office in the next few weeks, please visit our website and follow the directions for getting copies of your Vital Records.  If you need to get a marriage license, please apply online and then call our office to make an appointment to come in with required documentation to pick-up license.  If you need to record real estate documents (or any recordings), please use the Electronic Recording System outlined on our website.  If you need deeds looked up, please call our office for help.

To order vital records go to:  www.getcertificatenow.com/Duplin

The Register of Deeds website is:  www.duplinrod.com

We strongly encourage law offices to enroll with one of the following vendors to erecord:

Simplifile:   www.simplifile.com     Simplifile is waiving their start up fee if you sign up with them now.

CSC:    erecording@cscglobal.com

If you have any questions about how to use our website or any other questions, please give us a call at (910) 296-2108.

What is the Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) Program? . . . .

The purpose of the Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) Program is to encourage the voluntary preservation and protection of farmland from non-farm development. This is in recognition of the
importance of agriculture to the economic and cultural life of the country. The General Assembly of the State of North Carolina authorized counties to undertake a series of programs to encourage the preservation of farmland. This statutory authority is found in Chapter 106, Article 61, of the North Carolina General Statutes. The Duplin County Voluntary Agricultural Districts will be governed by an Agricultural Board composed of one member from each of the six County Commissioner districts. These members will be appointed by the Duplin County Board of Commissioners. In addition, the County Extension Director and County Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Director will serve as members of the Board. The Agricultural Board will be responsible for approving applications for membership in an agricultural district.

To be qualified as farmland, a farm shall contain a minimum of 10 contiguous acres of farmland.

  1. The farm shall be participating in the “Farm Present-Use-Value Taxation Program”.
  2. The property shall be certified by the Cooperative Extension Service and NRCS as being a farm on which at least two-thirds of the land is composed of soils that are:
    1. favorable for major crops common to the County; or
    2. soils on which at least two-thirds of the land has been actively utilized for agricultural,horticultural, forestry, livestock, or wildlife production.
  3. Property is the subject of a Conservation Agreement between the County and the owner of such land that prohibits non-farm use or the development of such.

What will joining the VAD Program do for me?

  1. This program will help increase the identity awareness and pride in the agricultural community and its way of life.
  2. Members will have increased protection from nuisance law suits and other negative impacts affecting participating farms.

What is the cost of this program?

There will be a one-time fee of $60.00 to join this program. This fee will cover a portion of the cost of a sign which designates a farm’s membership and the charges involved in filing the document with the Duplin County Register of Deeds Office.

For more information contact

Duplin County Cooperative Extension Service
165 Agricultural Drive
P. O. Box 949
Kenansville,N. C. 28349

Phone: (910) 296-2143

Download the Pre Application form for VAD here

Complete the form and mail it to the address above or email it to: wanda_hargrove@ncsu.edu or amanda_hatcher@ncsu.edu