Solid Waste and Recycling
Purpose: The Duplin County Solid Waste and Recycling Department exist to collect, recycle and dispose of solid waste in the most economical and environmentally way possible. The Solid Waste Department works to encourage positive attitudes toward keeping the county clean and beautiful.

Services Provided: The Duplin County Solid Waste Department offers a variety of services to fulfill the county’s need for a comprehensive solid waste system. The department manages an on-site transfer station for the collection of solid waste. Trash is shipped by tractor-trailer loads to the regional landfill in Roseboro, North Carolina. The department also manages the Land Clearing Inert Debris at the county’s permitted site. This consists of yard waste, trees, stumps, and any other vegetative debris. We also accept bricks, rocks, concrete, and asphalt and provide box rentals all for a small fee.

A recycling warehouse is also on-site to process recyclable materials collected throughout the county. Materials are then sold to manufacturers for recycling into new products.
There are also areas for other recyclable items ….metal, tires, and electronics…at no charge to the public.
The solid waste department also helps with the Keep America Beautiful program that offers solid waste management, source reduction,
recycling, beautification, and litter prevention education programs to area preschools, schools, civic clubs, and other groups upon request.
The solid waste department along with other county departments and the DOT follow up on reports of littering, illegal dumping, and illegal burning.
The state requires that all transfer station operators, public weigh masters, recycling coordinators, and environmental educators are certified. These certifications are in effect and are updated as required.
REMEMBER: Secured loads means cleaner roads.
Collection Site Information
Rate Schedule