Volunteer for A Board, Committee or Commission
The Board of Commissioners relies on volunteers to serve on various boards, commissions and committees. These volunteers provide an invaluable service to our community by providing input and advice our elected and appointed leaders. This is your chance to serve your community - apply today for an appointment to an Advisory Board, Commission, or Committee. You will be notified if nominated and/or appointed. If you are not initially appointed to a board for which you have applied, your application will be resubmitted automatically until such time that you are appointed, or your application expires. Applications remain on file for one year.
Purpose: To advocate for the rights of citizens residing in adult care homes. The Committee members are required to visit the Adult Care Homes every three months. Family Care Homes are visited annually by the committee. This committee helps maintain the Adult Care Home Resident’s Bill of Rights. Initial appointments are made for one-year term with every term thereafter being one to three years.
Qualifications: No person or immediate family member of a person with a financial interest in a home served by this committee, no employee or governing board member of a home served by this committee, and no immediate family member of a resident in a home served by this committee may be a member of this committee. Must be able to travel to each facility in the county. Must be able to complete an initial orientation and field training of 15 hours. Must be a resident of Duplin County.
Term Length: 3 yrs
Number of Members: 10
Contact: Melisa Brown, Services for the Aged Director - melisab@duplincountync.com
Purpose: The Regional Aging Advisory Committee advises the staff and Eastern Carolina Council of Government Board on the Area Plan, allocation of funds, etc. Appointments are made for two-year terms or three consecutive two-year terms which equals a total of six years. Alternates serve for a one-year term.
Qualifications: Members cannot be employed with an agency which is receiving Older American Act Funds. At least 50% of appointees should be over 60 years of age. Must be a resident of Duplin County.
Term Length: 2 yrs
Number of Members: 4 (County slots)
Stipend: No
Contact: Melisa Brown, Services for the Aged Director - melisab@duplincountync.com
Purpose: The Nursing Home Advisory Committee serves as a liaison between the Board of County Commissioners and local Nursing Homes. Committee members are required to visit all nursing homes every three months as a committee. They serve as a supportive local committee which helps to maintain the spirit of the Nursing Home Resident’s Bill of Rights. Initial appointments are made for one-year term with every term thereafter being one to three years.
Qualifications: No person or immediate family member of a person with a financial interest in a home served by this committee, no employee or governing board member of a home served by this committee, and no immediate family member of a resident in a home served by this committee may be a member of this committee. Must be able to travel to each facility in the county. Must be able to complete an initial orientation and field training of 15 hours. Must be a resident of Duplin County.
Term Length: 3 yrs
Number of Members: 5
Contact: Melisa Brown, Services for the Aged Director - melisab@duplincountync.com
Purpose: The primary duty of the Duplin County Airport Commission is the oversight of the operation, maintenance, and development of the Duplin County Airport. The Airport Commission serves as an advisory body to the Duplin County Board of Commissioners and is comprised of nine voting member members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners according to its appointment process.
Qualifications: Persons interested in serving should have a background in business, and a general knowledge of airport or aviation related operations.
Term Length: 2 years
Number of Members: 9
Stipend: No
Contact: Joshua Raynor, Airport Director - airportoperations@duplincountync.com
Purpose: The Board of Equalization and Review hears appeals of taxpayers on assessed values and reviews current assessments made by the Tax Supervisor. Appointments are made for two-year terms. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman are selected by the members of the Board of Equalization and Review.
Qualifications: To qualify for appointment as a member, each nominee to the Board shall be of good moral character, shall have resided in Duplin County at least two (2) consecutive years prior to the appointment, shall remain as a resident for the duration of service as a member, and shall be knowledgeable of real estate or personal property valuation matters.
Term Length: 2 yrs
Number of Members: 5
Stipend: Yes
Contact: Gary Rose, Tax Administrator - garyr@duplincountync.com
Purpose: The Board of Health is the policy-making, rule making and adjudicatory body for the Health Department. The Board of Health has the responsibility to protect and promote the public health and has the authority to adopt rules necessary for that purpose. The Board of Health appoints a local health director who serves as the administrative head of the Health Department.
Qualifications: The Board of Health is composed of 11 members and includes one physician licensed to practice medicine in North Carolina, one licensed dentist, one licensed optometrist, one licensed veterinarian, one registered nurse, one licensed pharmacist, one county commissioner, one professional engineer, and three representatives of the general public. The members must be residents of Duplin County and are appointed by the County Commissioners to serve three (3) year terms.
Term Length: 2 yrs
Number of Members: 11
Contact: Tracey Kornegay, Health Director - tracey.kornegay@duplincountync.com
Purpose: The Board of Social Services selects the social services director, gives him or her administrative advice, undertakes social planning, and assists the director in planning the department’s budget.
Qualifications: To qualify for appointment as a member, each nominee to the Board shall be of good moral character and shall be at the time of their appointment a resident of Duplin County.
Term Length: 2 yrs
Number of Members: 5 (2 Board of Commissioner’s appointments)
Contact: Annie Murrell, Social Services Director - annie.murrell@duplincountync.com
Purpose: The Eastern Carolina Human Services Agency, Inc. is a member of the North Carolina Community Action Association and is a private non-profit Community Action Agency that provides services to low-income, Veterans, and military families, in multiple counties along the North Carolina coast. The programs administered by the agency include: Section 8 Housing, Community Services Block Grant- Family Self Sufficiency Program (CSBG-FSS), and NCServes.
Qualifications: To qualify for appointment as a member, a nominee shall be of good moral character, shall have resided in Duplin County at least two (2) consecutive years prior to the appointment, and shall remain as a resident for the duration of service as a member.
Term Length: 1 year
Number of Appointees: 1
Contact: George Wood, Interim County Manager - george.wood@duplincountync.com
Purpose: The purpose for which the Corporation is organized is to further the economic development prospects of Duplin County, North Carolina and to promote job creation opportunities, wage growth, and growth in the tax base in Duplin County. The Corporation seeks to enhance the overall residential, business, and commercial environment, thus improving the quality of life for all people of Duplin County and municipalities within the County. This will thereby assist in reducing the burden of government in pursuing the public purposes of providing quality jobs, increasing wage levels, and promoting a growing tax base.
Qualifications: The number of Directors of the Corporation shall be decided by the Board but shall be no more than eleven (11) and no less than seven (7). Directors shall be selected as follows:
The Duplin County Board of Commissioners shall have authority to appoint from time to time up to two (2) people to serve as Directors. Any of these two (2) individuals appointed as a Director shall serve at the pleasure of the Duplin County Board of Commissioners. Such Directors shall not be subject to the term or consecutive term limitations set forth herein.
Term Length: Not subject to term or consecutive limitations term limitations
Stipend: No
Contact: Scotty Summerlin, Executive Director - scott.summerlin@duplincountync.com
Purpose: The Board of Commissioners of the County of Duplin established a Revolving
Loan Fund Program by virtue of G.S. 160A-456 which enables the County to undertake Community Development activities including programs concerned with employment and economic development.
The purposes of the Revolving Loan Fund are as follows: The creation of new jobs opportunities and the retention of existing jobs within the County principally for persons of low and moderate income (LMI); To further new business development and/or existing business expansion within the County; and To enable private business development to occur within the County that would not occur without loan assistance from the Revolving Loan Fund Program.
Qualifications: A Loan Committee reviews loan applications, rate them according to procedures herein, determine whether loan applications are appropriate for the program, determine credit worthiness of borrower, and evaluate the economic feasibility of applicant projects. The Loan Committee shall report its findings on all applicants to the Board of Commissioners. The Loan Committee shall be empowered to negotiate loan terms with applicants but final authority for settling terms and approving loans shall rest with the Board of Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners shall appoint all members of the Loan Committee.
The Loan Committee members shall consist of:
One member of the Board of Commissioners;
One banker who either lives in Duplin County or works for a financial institution located in Duplin County;
One local business persons;
One local accountant
One other person who is a resident of Duplin County
Term: N/A
Number of Members: 5
Contact: Scotty Summerlin, Executive Director - scott.summerlin@duplincountync.com
Purpose: Established by State Statute. The Board of Trustees is a corporate body with powers to acquire, hold, and transfer real and personal property, to enter into contracts, to institute and defend legal actions and suits, and to exercise such other rights and privileges as may be necessary for the management and administration of the institution in accordance with the provisions and purposes as stated in the General Statutes. Trustees are responsible for keeping elected officials informed of the implications of legislative actions that may have a bearing on the college.
Appointments are made for four-year terms. Members are appointed by the County Commission, Board of Education and the Governor.
Qualifications: Must be a resident of Duplin County.
Term Length: 4 yrs
Number of Members Length: 12 (3 Board of County Commissioner appointments)
Contact: Jeanette Rackley, Assistant to the JSCC President - jrackley@jamesprunt.ecu
Purpose: Duties of the Jury Commission include: selecting the jury lists for a two-year period for jurors to serve in the Superior and District Courts for Duplin County; preparing the jury list from designated sources; determining that prospective jurors are qualified to serve; preparing and delivering the jury list; performing these duties between October 1, and September 30 of each biennial year. Jury lists must be prepared 30 days prior to January 1 of each biennial year as established in General Statutes 9-2.
Qualifications: Members must be qualified voters of the County and can serve unlimited terms per the statute for this Commission. The Jury Commission only meets twice a year. Must be a resident of Duplin County.
Term Length: 2 years
Number of Members: 1 (Board of Commissioners appointment)
Contact: Katie W. Harrell, Clerk of Superior Court - Katie.Q.Harrell@nccourts.org
Purpose: The Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) is the local organization charged by the N.C. General Assembly to plan, organize, and evaluate locally-based programs designed to prevent and mitigate juvenile delinquency in Mecklenburg County. Specifically, the JCPC is to develop community-based alternatives to training schools and to provide community-based delinquency and substance abuse prevention strategies and programs.
Qualifications: The membership of the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council shall include representatives from the following categories:
- Youth under the age of 18 - 2 members
- County Commissioner General Public Appointees - 6 members
- Faith Community - 1 member
- Director AMH / DD / SA – 1 member
- Substance Abuse Professional - 1 member
- Director of Dept. of Social Services or Designee – 1 member
- Local Health Director or Designee – 1 member
- Rep. of Non-Profit – 1 member
- Parks & Recreation – 1 member
- County Manager or Designee – 1 member
- County Commissioner – 1 member
- Superintendent of Schools or Designee - 1 member
- Sheriff or Desingee - 1 member
- District Attorney or Designee – 1 member
- Juvenile Defense Attorney (JDA) - 1 member
- Chief District Court Judge or Designee – 1 member
- Chief Court Counselor or Designee – 1 member
- Business Community – 1 member
- Police Chief or Designee – 1 member
Term Length: 1 year
Number of Members: 25
Contact: Jason McGuirt, JCPC Chairman jason.c.mcguirt@nccourts.org
Purpose: The Library Board of Trustees serves as an advisory board which makes recommendations on policy to the Board of County Commissioners and acts as a liaison between the library, local government and the community. The Library Board of Trustees is a 6 member board with all members being appointed by the Board of County Commissioners.
Qualifications: Appointments are made for six-year terms. Must be a resident of Duplin County.
Term Length: 6 yrs
Number of Members: 6
Contact: Laura C. Jones, County Librarian – laura.jones@duplincountync.com
Purpose: The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall consult with and advise the governing body of all matters affecting Cabin Lake County Park’s programs, personnel, and finances. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall consult with and advise the park superintendent on the daily operation of Cabin Lake County Park, as well as the long range operation and improvement of this facility. Appointments are made for two and three year’s terms with no one serving more than two consecutive terms.
Qualifications: Seven members representing various County Commissioner Districts in Duplin County. Must be a resident of Duplin County.
Term Length: 2 and 3 year periods
Number of Members: 7
Contact: Jordan Whaley, Park Superintendent - cabinlake@duplincountync.com
Purpose: The Duplin County Planning Board prepares and from time to time amends and revises a plans for a comprehensive and coordinated strategy for the physical development of the area, establishes principles and policies for guiding action in the development of the area, and prepares and recommends to the Board of County Commissioners ordinances promoting orderly development of Duplin County.
Qualifications: Each of the five (5) County Commissioner districts is represented by one member on the Planning Board. Eligible members must be a resident of Duplin County and must live within a District that is vacant to be appointed to the Board.
Term Length: Two years. No limit on the number of terms that can be served.
Number of Members: 5
To Apply for Appointment Click Here.
Contact: Christopher Hatcher, County Planner –Email: christopher.hatcher@duplincountync.com